A massive book of martial might and magical mayhem for D&D 5e - 4 epic new classes, 30+ new subclasses, 30+ feats, and over 240 spells!
Latest Updates from Our Project:
December Update (2024) - Merry Christmas
21 days ago
– Wed, Dec 25, 2024 at 09:09:35 AM
Hey Folks-
Merry Christmas (or your winter holiday of choice)! There's not too much to update here that hasn't already been said we wait for the books to trundle out of the printer and around the world, but I wanted to get one final update in for the year and I do at least have some exciting pictures as I have the print version (final print proofs) in hand now:
Delivery estimate is still 'early 2025', though it depend on how many hurdles are hit getting the books out the door of the printer and shipped around the world.
I'll keep you folks updated as it gets shipped. As always, you can get ahold of me on the Discord if you have any questions.
All the best, and hope you folks are having a good day.
November Update (2024) - Status Update on Everything
about 2 months ago
– Mon, Nov 18, 2024 at 02:01:58 PM
Hey Folks-
I just wanted to reach out and let folks know where everything was at, and what to expect. I don't have definitive answers on anything at the moment, so I'm afraid this update won't be too detailed, but I can let you know the status of everything:
KCLL PDF. This was just updated to 1.0.2, which is more or less the printed version. If you find a typo, feel free to add it to the copy edit sheet, as I will probably release an updated version in the future just to polish further (since there's no reason not to), but 1.0.2 is considered the finished version.
Digital Goods. I've sent out the art pack and token pack (both for KCCC long ago, and now for KCLL). There's nothing too fancy here, it's just the high res standalone and uncropped version of all the art assets in the book, and the tokenized version for characters, monsters, etc. This should be done now, unless I've forgotten something.
Printed Products. It is currently at the printer. Everything has been loaded into their systems and should be good to go (digital proofs are good), I'm currently waiting on the print proofs. I was waiting for this update until I had those in hand to show ya'll pictures of them as that'd be nifty, but decided to pull the trigger on this update before that as I'll be traveling soon and wanted to get this done. Given that printing isn't going to finish until some time in December (I think) that means we will probably not get the book by the end of the year for mass delivery (well, maybe Australia, but probably not). So we are probably looking at early next year. I will tell you all where the boats are in the December update (assuming there are boats and I know where they are!)
VTT Versions:
FoundryVTT: This is being hammered out and I think will be done fairly soon. It's well under way, and there's obviously been a beta version out for quite awhile, but the next update should be quite substantial. The KCCC Module was also recently updated for those using that, which should give you some idea what to expect for the KCLL modules now that I'm not the one doing them.
Fantasy Grounds: This has a beta out that was fairly complete (I believe) but should get another pass. I don't have a firm ETA on this, but have reached out to the creator and will be in the process of getting synced up and finished up with.
Roll20: This one is going to be a bit delayed, but I do have a schedule for it now. Unfortunately due to my delays in getting the PDF done, the port has consequently been delayed. The converter for this one (Meditating Munky) is currently finishing up their own project, but should be able to tackle this December. It will take awhile to finalize as Roll20 is the most complicated platform to set up a Compendium like this (as I understand it) but I'll keep folks posted. It's on the schedule and we have plan to get it done.
ShardVTT: I dropped the ball on this one; there is a beta module that exists and is (I believe) fairly complete, I just need to figure out how to get it distributed to folks. From there, I'm currently checking on the schedule for completing the module and how much is left there/what needs to be done. I don't have details at the moment, beyond that I think a good chunk of it is done.
That should be everything outstanding. As you might notice, everything on that list is now me waiting for other folks, so while I'm still involved, I'm turning my attention to wrapping stuff up and moving on making new stuff for the most part.
I've updated the standalone versions of Spellblade, Occultist, Warden, and Warlord on my site to match the KCLL versions (including putting them in CC-BY), updated the Casting Compendium in the KRD to match the KCLL version (which also includes putting it in the CC-BY license).
The next project isn't set in stone as I won't start doing any heavy lifting on that until this book ships out and the bow is wrapped. Ya'll have been very patient on this one through the delays and details, but I wouldn't want to start up another one until the book is in hand for everyone. But once it starts lifting, I suspect it'll take to the skies if you catch my drift...
For the time being I'm working on catching up more Patreon content and shiny new bits and bobs as its been a bit slow as I wrapped up the book. The Wingsmith Inventor subclass I've been fiddling with should be coming soon over there being the winner of the latest patreon poll, along with the Gravity Warden. Feels like the patreon voters are vibing with the theme of taking to the skies, which is convenient. We'll probably see the next poll in December giving a little bit more time to catch up on what's been voted on so far.
I reckon I'll still be here updating folks monthly till the book is in hand, but always feel free to stop by the Discord if you have any questions. I'm going to be traveling for the next couple weeks visiting family over Thanksgiving, but I should still be online fairly reliably to follow up on any questions, just make sure to tag me if it's on Discord and I'm not online as I may be offset a little in time from many folks.
All the best,
October Update (2024) - KCLL 1.0 sent out & Reaching the Finish Line
3 months ago
– Mon, Oct 28, 2024 at 12:02:51 PM
Hey Folks-
I've started distribution on the KCLL v1.0 PDF through Backerkit. This is the complete and edited version! There may be minor updates in the future, but this should be the finished product.
So what comes next? This version will be sent to the printer and VTT module creators (or in some cases already has been; the print version slightly different from the PDF version due print requirements and not needing hyperlinks and the like). I'll update folks as we progress in those. For some of the VTT versions, they already have a beta module out; those will get updated with anything that was missing and refined. For some there (Roll20) there hasn't been a beta module, and they work off this version.
Printing and Shipping will take awhile. I have things lined up there and the wheels are spinning, but it's not a process that happens overnight. I'll keep you posted as I get updates there (the next update should include seeing the printed version, I'll snap a photo of it once it's in my mind).
A few extras, like the Art and Token packs, should go out within a week. They just need to be bundled up and sent out.
Not too much to add for now, beyond that I hope folks continue to enjoy the book. I've gotten so much wonderful feedback and heard so many stories about the characters you folks have created using it; it's amazing and wonderful that it's already seen so much use and play, and I hope that it continues to grace campaigns for years to come.
An additional thank you to the folks that helped in this last editing stretch. I've included their names under the new draft in 'Additional Editing', and they helped a great deal get this across the finish line.
If anyone finds an issue going forward, feel free to still include it in the Copy Edit sheet. While there will not be major updates, there may be an errata pass in the future for the PDF if there's a merit to it.
I appreciate that folks have been patient, and will keep you in the loop as we go. For folks that need to update their address, don't worry yet. I'll give a notice before I lock addresses, but that's still a ways off. For the time being, you can still update your address through Backerkit without issue.
All the best,
September Update (2024) - KCLL 0.9 sent out.
4 months ago
– Thu, Sep 19, 2024 at 09:42:39 PM
Hey Folks-
Sorry it's been awhile since I did an update, but there wasn't much to add until the version was out and done, which now is. KCLL 0.9 is being pushed out via Backerkit as we speak. This should be the 'complete' version, but not the 'final' version. Everything should be in there now, but it is going through some editing passes before print.
I know we are very overdue for the book to be printed and shipped out; trust me, it's a subject I follow closely! Overall, the book is probably going to be about a year late from its original target date, and that's a pretty bad miss.
There's a lot of reasons for it, but it mostly just boils down to putting too much stuff in the book (for complicated reasons), and getting behind schedule with some health issues. While there's a good number of folks that have a hand in getting the books done, KibblesTasty is ultimately a one-bloke show, so if I'm running behind everything runs late.
I would love to give you the exact date it will show up on your door, but the next step of this show is printing and international shipping, and that can be a frustrating process. I will update you as we go, with the next updates being about the final PDF version, VTT versions, and finally the print delivery details as I have them.
For anyone with concerns about KS and production issues/delays, there's nothing to worry about as far as it eventually getting done and funds; I don't draw salary/money out of the KS until it's delivered beside to pay the major project bills (Printing, Shipping, VTT versions), so the money is by and large just sitting there - that's why I'm the most eager person here to get this book done and finished.
I will be pulling in a variety of folks for the final editing pass, but also welcoming any volunteers that want to scour for issues - I cannot recommend that as a hobby, but I know folks with stranger ones. For folks that wish to get each editing copy as I make updates, I'll be making a channel on the Discord (so that folks aren't spamming with new drafts until the 1.0 goes out).
The book is currently sitting at 347 pages, which overruns the target a fair bit, but I don't think it will be a problem. As far as print cost goes, there shouldn't be any budget concerns with that.
As I settle up with the printer on a few details, the book might get a few pages longer, since there's certain breakpoints books need to hit due to how they print the things. If the book gets a bit longer, we'll get a few more monsters and things like that, but nothing too exciting. All the major content of the book should be in there, and anything new I'm working on will be for future projects at this point (it's already going to be a monster of a book).
The Bookmarks/Table of Content should be properly set up this time, but there will be a few things that aren't polished up (cross reference links, stuff like that).
As always, feel free to drop by the Discord if you have any comments. I'm more or less always around to hear what you have to say. If you've reached out to me here or through email and I haven't gotten back, feel free to give me another poke; I get a shocking amount of messages per day (...shocking to me, anyway) and sometimes miss stuff.
Ya'll have been extremely patient (...well, most of you), and I appreciate that. We are in the final stretch here.
All the best,
August Update (2024) - KCLL Draft 0.8 Sent Out
6 months ago
– Thu, Aug 01, 2024 at 01:19:28 AM
Hey Folks-
Going to be a short update, but just wanted to get this out:
I've just queued up and sent out KCLL draft 0.8. Unfortunately, it is still not the 'complete' draft I've been trying to get together. There's just always more to hammer out it seems. This is +25 pages from the last draft, clocking in at 336... which some people may notice is over our target of 320 pages. That said, it's fine. The book will be slightly longer than expected, this was accounted for as a possibility.
KCLL 0.9 will come out pretty soon (I hope), and after that we'll be at the 1.0 version, but I would say we are still at least a month from print (since 0.9 will need more editing to make sure I didn't break anything). On the bright side, you can still update your addresses as needed for now! :)
I don't have a full changelog on hand for 0.7 -> 0.8, but I will try to cobble one together over on Discord tomorrow. There's not that much new content, mostly edits and updates (...I have no idea how it got 25 pages longer considering...). Few pieces here and there: Awakened Undead (player race) is added, there's some new feats (Storm Shooter, Line Breaker), some new spells. There's some new monsters, but don't take the CR too seriously on those yet (they aren't fully CR calculated or edited).
This is going to be a short update, I just wanted to get this out to let folks know a draft had been sent out, as well as keep folks in the loop. I think the 'complete' draft (which will be 0.9) this month... but I'll admit I've been saying that for so many months I've lost track. What's definition of insanity again...?
As always, if you want to get the most play-by-play version or poke me with any questions, I'm around the Discord every day, and often leave little snippets of the change log there as I go.